Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Auto Repairs.

Have any of you ever had a bad break down? With all our time traveling on the road, vacations, trips, etc, we have definitely had our full share of auto repairs. They vary from a small thing like a tail light out, low air pressure on a tire, to big things such as a blow out on a trailer, engine trouble, etc. And with traveling, we have had to get auto repairs all over the place:) Auto Repair Plainfield, IL is one such place. Plainfield, IL is a nice little town near Chicago. And we had have our break downs in IL just like any other place.

One time we were traveling in a smaller area and we were pulling a travel trailer behind us. Heading out camping for the weekend. Well, you know how those weekends normally go? We definitely got it! All of a sudden as we are driving down the road, a semi passes us. We hear this loud POP and immediately pulled over. We expected a flat tire or something cracked but once we looked everything over, we realized that it was actually his tire that had popped. It just sounded so loud we thought it was ours. We had a good laugh afterwards but it sure scared us half to death:D

We have had some bad break downs though and had to get our vehicle towed and repaired. One time we were hauling a utility trailer, and our truck broke down. Now the hard thing is deciding what to do with the trailer. You can't exactly leave it by the side of the road with our stuff in it. But we also weren't sure about getting it towed. Needless to say, they brought out a big flatbed and loaded everything right on top! Worked out great and this repair place was soo nice compared to many we have dealt with.

One thing we have learned from having break downs and auto repairs, is make sure you have all the paperwork ready if need be. Also have AAA or another auto help. Especially with a family, you need to be able to get things done quickly.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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